• By an Unexpected Way

    There are a lot of people who would like to do something beautiful for God, but they have no idea where to start ... they are hungry to draw close to God and they want to do something with him, but they don't know how. I'm hoping people will read these stories and realize they don't need to know how!

  • 2020 New York Encounter: Crossing the Divide

    Are you hungry for an extended engagement with reality, for something that will awaken you more fully to the human condition? Consider joining us at the New York Encounter, February 15th through the 17th.

  • The World as a Kolam: Reflections on Augustine and The Supper of the Lamb

    As mankind elevates the world’s beauty through his senses, so his soul is elevated. He is transformed from a mere consumer of the world, to its attentive lover. And in this transformation he becomes what he was always meant to be: made in the image of God, participating in the Divine work of preserving and sustaining creation, fully inhabiting the created world, in which he lives and moves and has his being.