• On Revival, Reading, and “Fruit Detectives”

    “Is the World Ready for a Religious Comeback?” by Ross Douthat in The New York Times So the world seems primed for religious arguments in the same way it was primed for the new atheists 20 years ago. But the question is whether the religious can reclaim real cultural ground—especially in the heart of secularism, the Western intelligentsia—as opposed to just stirring up a vague nostalgia for belief. “The Elite College Students Who Can’t Read Books,” by Rose Horowitch in The Atlantic Lit Hum often requires students to read a book, sometimes a very long and dense one, in just a week or two. But the student told Dames that,…

  • Sterne on Religion Without Morality

    "As, therefore, we can have no dependence upon morality without religion;—so, on the other hand, there is nothing better to be expected from 'religion without morality;' nevertheless, 'tis no prodigy to see a man whose real moral character stands very low, who yet entertains the highest notion of himself in the light of a religious man. "He shall not only be covetous, revengeful, implacable,—but even wanting in points of common honesty; yet inasmuch as he talks aloud against the infidelity of the age,——is zealous for some points of religion,——goes twice a day to church,—attends the sacraments,—and amuses himself with a few instrumental parts of religion,—shall cheat his conscience into a…